In David Picchiottino by Ula

Today as Part 3 of our In Depth Series with David Picchiottino we present his USA project. This is what David writes about the project himself:

In order to leave a testimony of what the USA was at the dawn of the XXIst century, I’ve been exploring its’ territories since 2011.

As Edward Sferiff Curtis did in his time, I am trying to map this country, to reveal it as well as Mankind’s print on it. I am also showing the lives of those who occupy it today.

From North to South, East to West, on a bike, by bus or by train, I want to feel what the first settlers felt: The continent’s immensity and the time necessary to explore it.

These slow means of locomotion give me the opportunity of discovering those small towns, scattered in an immense wild nature, populated by the American Dream’s forgotten who live at the fringe of a society who has neglected them.

If you enjoyed reading this post check our introduction to David’s work and the interview with the photographer.

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