Home by Zsuzsa Darab

In Zsuzsa Darab by Ula

Today as Part 3 of our In Depth Series with Zsuzsa Darab we present her “HOME” project. This is what Zsuzsa writes about the project herself:

My project was inspired by the temporary period of my life which has been gone for years now. There are several places I can call „my home”, still, the strongest connection is between me and my parental home. The only place I can rely on, no matter where I live in the world. I started to analyse my own life to find out what home means to me. I examined our everyday lives. I took photographs to capture and sometimes rearrange the regular and also the extraordinary life moments and to build up a system of attributes.

It was very difficult for me to keep distance from my family and from myself, and also to have a fresh pair of eyes to watch them, us. Still, that was my way to find those valuable everyday life moments, which helped me to create my picture of HOME.

If you enjoyed reading this post check our introduction to Zsuzsa’s work and the interview with the photographer.

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